Journal Article Editing and Proofreading Services

Get your scientific manuscript edited and proofread in line with your publisher's guidelines. Outstanding quality & Money back guarantee. Journal article editors available 24 hours. Submit your article now.

Journal Article Editing Services - 24/7

The Ultimate Proofreader is the UK's leading provider of in-depth editing and proofreading services for journal articles.
We help academic authors in the UK, the US, China and other countries across the globe to get their journal papers accepted and successfully published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
Whether you are a native or non-native author, our specialist
 academic journal editors will offer you the right editorial assistance up until your article has been published.
With the help of our incredibly thorough journal editing services, over 1,000 authors have been able to get their articles published in world-renowned and reputable academic journals, including Nature, the Journal of Finance and the Lancet.

In-depth editing

In addition to a thorough check of your grammar, punctuation and spelling, we will improve your sentence structure and enhance clarity, style and academic tone in your paper. We will also ensure your paper meets the language and editorial requirements of your publishing journal.

Expert editors

Our journal articles editors are specialist linguists who know exactly what to do with a journal article to get it published.

Affordable prices & fast delivery

To get your journal article professionally edited, you do not have to pay a fortune. Our prices are very reasonable and competitive. We offer an express service to meet tight deadlines.



"I found the Ultimate Proofreader to be a very thorough academic article proofreading service provider. They looked at every aspect of my journal article from A to Z. I successfully got my article published thanks to their excellent journal editing and proofreading," Jack, an academic author.
"I have used their services view times, they were very professional. the prices are reasonable and they deliver within or even before the time I request. they are one of best proofreading I used," Nada, an academic author.
"The journal article I wrote was rejected because of language problems, but when i gave it to the Ultimate Proofreader to get it professionally copy-edited i managed to successfully get it published when I re-submitted," Petra, a scientific article author.
"As a non-native speaker of English, I wanted a professional academic article editor to go through my paper very carefully to fix any issues related to language or weaknesses in my academic writing style. The Ultimate Proofreader's journal article editing and proofreading service was really excellent," Nurieddine.